SKYAPP Automated Float Management System features

float dispensing
Dispensing of Float
deposit sales
Deposit of Sales
petty cash
Disbursement of Petty Cash
central web portal
Central Web Portal
DN CINEO C6020 icash15e

Dispensing of Cashier Float

With this cash automation system, there is no longer a need for shift supervisors to manually count cash to assign floats to cashiers. Cashier float can be easily and quickly obtained during the start of a shift once staff identity is verified by the system. Denominations can be pre-configured or specified on the spot. At anytime during the work shift, cashiers can approach this self-service station to exchange for small denominations.

Deposit of Sales Collection

To end off the shift, simply transfer the cash from the cash drawer into the machine, which will count, verify and even detect counterfeit notes. This prevents discrepancies caused by manual cash handling. The safe provides security and can store up to 7,200 notes. All cash transactions are recorded in SKYAPP's cloud portal, and can be accessed by authorised personnel.   

deposit sales
petty cash

Disbursement of Petty Cash

When a staff submits reimbursement claims for the week or month for approval, management can authorise the reimbursement amount in the system and the staff can proceed to withdraw the approved amount from the machine at his convenience.

Central Web Portal

A central web portal on the cloud allows for convenient administration of the Float Management System. You can manage access control of your staff, configure the fixed float denominations, set email alert threshold levels and view cash transaction reports anywhere at any time.

central web portal


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